Minutes of a Meeting of the Committee held at 18 Sandbourne Road

at 2.pm on Monday 25th June 2018


  1. Present: John Barker (President), Ken Mantock (Chairman), Jean Bird (Vice

Chairman), Elaine Cooper, Peter Lucas, Sally McGrath (Membership Secretary), Beryl Parker (Social Secretary),John Soane (Built Environment Officer, and Paul Newsome (Minutes Secretary)


  1.    Apologies:   Hilda Brownlow and James Weir (Heritage and Conservation



  1. Minutes.  The minutes for the meeting held on 25th June were agreed.


  1.   Matters Arising from the Minutes.

  4.1     Cultural Strategy.  Ken had emailed and thanked Andrea Frances for her and Cllr

Pat Oakley’s attendance and presentation at the last meeting

4.2    Cultural Development Fund.  James was invited to a meeting today but was unable

to attend so Elaine would cover.


  1.   The Planning Policy Steering Group.

  5.1     Conservation Area Consultations. The public consultation on the three

Conservation Area Reviews and Management Plans for East Cliff & Town Centre,

Old Christchurch Road and Poole Hill & West Cliff were continuing.  John S



  1.      Built Environment. 
    • A338/RBH Access Roads.  Peter reported that the Planning Officer had

   recommended rejection of the proposals on a variety of planning grounds earlier this

year and the meeting of the Planning Board to discuss the application was expected


  • Durley Road Car Park.  Plans for the redevelopment of this car park had been

   refused by Planning Board at their last meeting.

  • Purple Flag.  Ken noted that he had heard from Jon Skip and there would be a

   meeting soon.

  • Town Centre Management Plan Public Consultation.  Jean and Hilda had attended

   the workshops in June and July.


  • Queens Park Neighbourhood Plan.  Ken noted that the local Area Forum had been

in touch regarding support with the new Neighbourhood Plan and heritage walks.

  • Pokesdown Neighbourhood Plan. The Neighbourhood Plan had now been through

the relevant stages and had been sent to the Council by the Area Forum and should be

afforded “material consideration” weight in planning applications.

  • Richmond Gardens Student Accommodation Plans.  Pegasus’ had sent an email to

the Society regarding their plans. Ken had replied asking for what the SWRDP and

Council views where since it was intimated they were supportive and John S would

check the plans. Initial views on the plans sent around this Committee were that they

were tall, blocky, out of place and uninspiring.

  • 140 Alumhurst Road.  Very disappointingly the appeal had been  allowed and work

has resumed this last week.


  1.  Heritage and Conservation.
  • Westover Road Cinemas. James had at long last received a reply and comments on

  the decision not to list the building. All considered the reply hugely disappointing.

The recent appeal was now in the hands of the Planning Inspectorate.

  • Cliff End Hotel.  No news on the planning application other that the Echo had

  featured a report on local residents concerns about the derelict site and the delay in

any form of progress.

  • 14-20A Belle Vue Road.  The Society would comment, see below, on the revised


  • Hicks Farm, Throop.  Awaiting public consultation but was discussed at Andrew

England meeting, see below.


  1. Planning.  See John Soane’s report:
  •  10-12 Lorne Park Road.  Plans for 10 flats in place of 2 houses should be refused

pending improvements

  • 8 Carbery Avenue.  19 objections had been received to plans for four houses -refuse
  • 46-48 Dalmeny Road (corner Harbour Road.  Plans for 9 flats – refuse
  • 3 The Triangle.  Extension for two flats in courtyard – refuse
  • 1079A-1081 Christchurch Road.  Proposed flats are nicely designed – approve
  • 3 Edgehill Road.  Three well designed houses – allow
  • Pembroke Hotel, Poole Road.  The well designed restoration will improve the area –


  • 14-28A Bellevue Road.  The revised designs are even worse than before – refuse
  • Echo Building.  A good design, but the top storey should be removed – defer.


  • Planning Sub-Committee.  Delete this heading from September since the

   Society’s Planning Sub-committee has not needed to meet due to email and other

actions between each main meeting.


  • Planning Board Observations.  Sally attended the July meeting:
    •  1/11 Alyth Road.  Application approved
    • 24 Percy Road.  Application approved
    • Durley Road Car Park.  Plans refused
    • Penrith Road.  Balcony extensions on a bungalow were allowed
    • 13-15 Seafield Road.  A home for elderly dementia patients was allowed.


  1. Communications Timetable. Items for next newsletter to be submitted by

           31st July. Ken noted he would draft the newsletter but as this was his busiest time

of the year at work it would be getting the text across to the printers during early

August. Beryl was thanked for already drafting the activities pages that would

accompany the newsletter.


  1. Civic Voice. AGM in Birmingham 19-20 October. Jean and David might be able

     to attend.


  1. Bournemouth 2026  Elaine noted that there was nothing to  report since last



  1. Bournemouth-in-Bloom. Beryl reported as follows:

14.1.   Britain-in-Bloom Inspections.  The South/South East inspection had been

            completed, national inspection will be during the last week of July.

14.2   Students.  Three students were working with the Parks Department (Bermuda



14.3     Bournemouth In Bloom. The hot and dry weather was proving really

            troublesome to entrants, judges and all those involved in the competition, due to

plants and gardens going over sooner than usual due to the dry weather.


  1. Activities Officer
    • Cranbury Park Visit 2nd This was a great success. Ken and Debbie were

   thanked for standing in for Keith and taking the pressure off Beryl.

  • Autumn Programme. Beryl reported that the Autumn programme was complete.

   Lunches booked and the flyer would go out with the Summer Newsletter.


  1. Membership Officer’s Report. Sally reported plus one.


  1. Webmaster’s Report. Up to date and current, enquiries continued to be received

through the on-line “contact us” facility.


  1. Treasurer’s Report: Report awaited from Peter. Minutes would be updated.


  1. Any Other Business.

 19.1   Cultural Development Fund.  Elaine had represented the Society at the meeting

           this morning.

19.2   Meeting with Andrew England on 20th July. Jean and John reported as follows:

  • Punshon Site: The developers considered the plans were not viable – more flats rather than hotel rooms might be proposed?
  • Crazy Golf at IMAX site
  • Swimming Pools. No chance of any new building in town due to economic viability and current provision.
  • Training Hotel by BIC – planning still in progress
  • Cinemas and Westover Rd. There was a real fear that cinemas were trashed before vacating!
  • Hicks Farm Proposals – see report above
  • A338 and RBH Plans – see report above
  • ‘Happyland’ Proposals – a Boutique Hotel with no car parking was on the cards.
  • Cliff End Hotel – a mains sewer had been discovered below the hotel which could be reason for the prolonged delays.
  • Castle Lane Traffic – Remains a real problem
  • Castlepoint Car Park – restricted use for a prolonged period whilst rebuild takes place
  • Southbourne Heritage Forum (Belle Vue Rd plans) – our support for the local residents re-stated.
  • Grand Cinema (Bingo Hall) – Wetherspoons still the likely tenant
  • Pier Landing Stage – no hope for reinstatement as costs of at least £1.5m and would take Council years and years to recoup costs through landing stage fees.

      19.4   Dorset Architectural Heritage Week. Peter noted this was taking place in


      19.5   Impact of National Planning Policy Guidance .  John agreed to progress a report

on the impact on Bournemouth of the extra homes and residents envisaged by

Government plans and the NPPF after his holiday. Ken would assist and the report

would be shared with the Council and other interested parties.


       Next Meeting – No August meeting so Monday September 24th, venue to be confirmed.

       The meeting closed at 15.15                 



Ken Mantock

24th September 2018                                                                              Chairman