Minutes of a Meeting of the Committee held at 18 Sandbourne Road

at 2.00pm on Monday 25th February 2019


  1. Present: John Barker (President), Jean Bird (Vice Chairman), Hilda Brownlow,  Elaine Cooper, Sally McGrath (Membership Secretary), Beryl Parker (Social

Secretary), John Soane (Built Environment Officer and Paul Newsome (Minutes Secretary)


  1. Apologies: Ken Mantock (Chairman), Peter Lucas, and James Weir (Heritage and Conservation Officer)


  1.   The minutes for the meeting held on 28th January were agreed subject to the addition of ‘End’ to the heading of sub-para 6.3


  1. Matters Arising from the Minutes:
  • Planning Board Post Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Amalgamation. 

It appeared that the new combined Council, through recent discussions of the Shadow Council had the intention to have a single Planning Board, rather than three.

  • Bournemouth University Graduate History Project.  Work is in progress and shaping up well.
  • Caroline Peach Meeting.  The meeting on 22nd February was postponed due to sickness so a new date is being arranged


  1. The Planning Policy Steering Group:
  • No news, date of future meeting awaited. Status of the Group post local government reorganisation to be raised at Caroline Peach meeting.


  1.     Built Environment.

6.1     A338/Wessex Fields.  Plans were approved by the Council, decision relating to the

‘call-in’ by the Secretary of State are awaited

6.2    Carillion Oil.  The rig will be on site for another month.  Local councils were

dismayed that there was no consultation before this extension was agreed.

6.3    Beale Place.  Pedestrianisation and improvements work proceeding

6.4    Boscombe and Pokesdown Neighbourhood Plan.  First meeting was on 16th was

attended by Elaine, minutes have been received and circulated.

6.5    Bournemouth Town Centre Vision.  Signed off by the Council

6.6    Belgravia Hotel.  Echo coverage since Harry Redknap owns the Company that

wishes to redevelop the hotel which is currently occupied by former homeless people.

6.7    Radcliffe Court.  Latest plans awaiting scrutiny by John Soane so will feature in next

monthly digest.

6.8    Purple Flag.  A meeting took place on February 5th of the Town Centre Partnership

and good feedback from the Purple Flag submission was noted.


  1. Heritage and Conservation.
    • Michelgrove House. No news.
    • Regent Cinema. No news so keeping a watching brief.
    • Nuffield Hospital, Lansdowne Road. John Soane to scrutinise the plans
    • The Triangle. See John Soane’s report
    • 5 Woodland Avenue. This is a heritage asset outside the conservation area.  Ken and James raised their concern over potential redevelopment with MPs, Civic Voice and councillors after being contacted by Pam Ruthven.


  1. Planning.  See John Soane’s report:
  • 41 West Hill Road/7-11 Poole Hill.  Overall this was a good redevelopment,

particularly along West Hill Road.  English Heritage had demanded that the stables at the back of the Pembroke Hotel be retained but they were in such poor repair that this

was not practical.  The recommendation was to defer pending detail improvements

  • 637-639 Charminster Road and 1-7 Luckham Road.  The plans for 3 dwellings and 6  flats fulfilled the Council’s townscape policies and should be approved
  • 8 Cardigan Road.  (Former Winton Post Office) – the proposed 16 flats over ground

floor offices should be approved

  • Southwood Lodge, 36-40 Southwood Road.  The designs of the planned 8 houses

    needed improvements.  Defer


  1. Planning Board Observations.  Peter Lucas’ report not available


  1. Communications Timetable.  AGM Agenda had been circulated


  1. Civic Voice. Information about the meeting of South West Civic Societies in Bournemouth on the afternoon of 1st April had been chased.


  1. Bournemouth 2026 Nothing new to report.


  1. Bournemouth-in-Bloom. Heads of two divisions were currently in Bermuda

giving local societies advice.  Competition forms were ready for distribution


  1. Activities Officer. 

14.1   Blandford and Wimborne Civic Societies.  Ken would be liaising with the

          Chairmen of the Blandford and Wimborne Civic Societies re join working.

14.2   23rd February.  Rosemary LeGrand stood in at short notice at the soup and

          sandwiches talk at the Hinton Firs Hotel.


  1. Membership Officer’s Report. A membership drive was needed.


  1. Webmaster’s Report. All up to date and enquiries received through web have

been responded to.


  1. Treasurer’s Report: Keith Barnes bequest of £23,476.88 had been received

    making the balance £37,896.60.  Peter Jackson was seeking suitable investments.


  1. Any Other Business.

  18.1  Meeting with Caroline Peach.  The next meeting with Caroline Peach would be on

          a date to be fixed.  Items for discussion would include:

  • The new Planning Regime – Planning Board and Planning Policy Steering Group
  • Cliff End Hotel
  • Westbourne Bingo Hall
  • Hicks Farm
  • Training Hotel
  • Punshon site
  • Winter Gardens
  • Herbert Hospital
  • Belvedere Hotel
  • Riviera Hotel (West Cliff)


   Next Meetings – Mondays March 25th and 29th April at 18 Sandbourne Road – the usual

April date of 22nd April was not viable as this would be Easter Monday


   The meeting closed at 15.10                     



Ken Mantock

25th March 2019                                                                                         Chairman