6 Valette Road , Moordown Ref.  No. 7-2019-21419-J

This is an application to convert and extend an existing structure to create  six flats and to construct a new, mainly one storey, single dwelling in the north east corner of the property.

As altered,  the main building would continue to occupy a large rectangular foot print at the west end of the substantial site with  considerable single storey extensions to the south and west.  The principal façade which would be provided with two balancing, two storey, curved bay windows at the extremities; it  would be capped by a hipped roof and  bear some general similarity to eighteenth century classicism. Fenestration would consist of regularly spaced, large casement windows, together with a dormer in inter war modernist style. There would be a double entrance in the centre of the façade with French windows and balconies above. The rear elevation would consist mainly of wall and the shorter side elevations would be simpler, asymmetrical interpretations of the principal façade.

Although the Society is of the opinion that the general appearance of the main structure is of a design that is generally compatible with surrounding properties,  we think that there would be a considerable incongruity between the classical outline of the main façade and the accompanying fenestration which would be more at home in a suburban residence from the Nineteen Thirties.

We would suggest that such an eclectic design might be connected to opinions expressed by local residents which complain  of the very long running planning applications relating to the property including the unofficial abuse of environmental regulations and access to adjacent houses.  In addition, a letter attached to the application file states that the small family residence  in the north east corner would be replaced by a two bedroom chalet bungalow. The Society therefore feels that under these confused circumstances, because the townscape policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan have not been fully carried out, the application should be deferred for further consideration

36 Duncliff Road, Wick   Ref. No.     7-2019-12502-F

This is an application to demolish a mid twentieth century residential property  in order to erect  a new, single family dwelling house.

The rectangular/part asymmetrical, built foot print,  will take up to 50% of the available site and will encroach right up to the side boundaries.  Although the general shape of the new building , which has a pitched roof, appears superficially traditional, the architectural design of the two principal facades is distinctly modernist.  The unsymmetrical,  principal elevation is made up of competing  material elements and contains, along with a prominent garage door,  large windows of    three different sizes that extend up to the roof.   The  rear elevation is more symmetrically designed with very large glass panels on the ground floor and two balancing vertical windows above framing a large central  window extending into  the roof

The Society finds the overall design of this new house, very conventional.  We feel that although the adjacent neighbourhood is not of any particular distinctive architectural character, it deserves a more balanced and harmonious structure here.

Therefore we have decided that since this application does not completely fulfill the townscape policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan, it should be deferred for further discussion.

16 Vale Road, East Cliff   Ref.  No.   7-2019-15194-C

This is an application to replace a late nineteenth century property with a modern three storey block of seven flats. The built foot print of the proposed building would be generally similar in extent to the existing structure but placed more centrally on the site.  It would appear as a composite, rectangular structure with small, single storey extensions and a hipped roof.   Modern casement windows would be introduced in a generally regular sequence.

The Society see nothing that is especially at fault with the design; however bearing in mind local comment that ever more flats (which we feel will be on the very small size) will likely encourage further levels of social change in this complex area, we wonder whether there is really a valid reason for the redevelopment of this site.

Consequently  since this application has not fully proved that it is in line with the townscape policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan, we think it should be  deferred for further discussion.

63 Boscombe Overcliff Drive, Boscombe Manor   Ref. No.    7-2019-27186

This is an application to demolish a substantia, interwar family residence  in order to construct a four storey block of seven flats in contemporary modernist  style.-

The built foot print would be considerably larger than that of the existing structure and would consist of a rectangular  block where the narrower sea facing and rear elevations  would consist entirely of glass panels encased by prominent concrete framing. The extended side elevations would mainly consist of wall  with a small amount of vertical fenestration  together with glass panels on the penthouse storey underneath a flat roof.

The Society is fully  aware that over the last few  years development has been permitted of modern flat blocks in place of the Arts and Crafts style individual houses along parts of the Boscombe Overcliff Drive.   We are very much against this trend,   even if on occasions some of the new designs have exhibited a certain level of linear plasticity and proportional  form.  However in the case of this application and certainly in relation to the still existing visual appearance of the nearby original houses and even Purbeck Court, the Society finds the submitted design and  in comparison with a majority of new adjacent blocks,  completely out of character  in relation to the existing townscape. In essence we do not think it fits in in any way with either old or new buildings along the Boscombe Overcliff Drive.  Therefore we  feel it  is totally disingenuous  for the Design Report to claim that the new structure would be a visual advantage to the neighbourhood. .On the contrary   it seems obvious to us that this structure has been designed to generate as much profitable development  as possible with minimal interest in its general impact. In this respect  there has been strong criticism by local residents over the considerable reduction of privacy and  sunlight by the excessive dimensions of the building.  It is therefore not surprising  that this project has been called in by the local councillor.

Therefore  under the circumstances, we have decided that because this application in no way follows the townscape policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan, it should be refused.

1008 Wimborne Road, Moordown  Ref.  No.   7-2019 -3141-Y

This is an application to construct  a mixed development within a three storey building on the site of the car park for the former Hollies Inn, near Castle Lane.  There would be five flats in the upper two stories and two large commercial units on the ground floor; the new building would be placed to the north of the site.

The built footprint would be in the form of a rectangle and the principal façade would bear a superficial similarity to a seventeenth century, small, vernacular manor house.   Fenestration would be symmetrically arranged in the form of  three entrances and long vertical windows on the ground floor; casement windows and pedimented dormers above and a two storey projecting porch , also topped by a pediment  in the centre.   The rear elevation would have casement windows at first floor level and just two small doors at ground level.

The Society appreciates that with the closing and subsequent residential conversion of the Hollies public house the redevelopment of the adjacent car park would be the next logical step,  We have no problems with this somewhat unusual choice of architectural style and so, because this application fulfils the conditions of the townscape policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan, we recommend that it be granted.

Horse and Jockey Public House, Wimborne Road, Moordown    Ref. No.  7-2019-4650-F

This is an application to demolish the Horse and Jockey Public House and to construct in its place a large composite structure of between two and four stories containing 28 flats.

In its general appearance and built footprint (which would be between one third to one half larger than that of the existing building) the new structure could appear to be imitating a large block of late nineteenth century mansion flats  of which several were built in central Bournemouth.   The length of the principal façade would be broken up by two, full height projections ending in gables  and two prominent chimneys.   Fenestration on all floors would be in various combinations of standard sized, casement windows, but there would also be two modernist intrusions in the form of a very large, two story, rectangular window above the main entrance and also with the extremely wide windows in both gables.

Although the Society finds the proposed design relatively acceptable, we echo the feelings  of the local residents who oppose the loss the existing building and think the proposal is far too large for the site leading to over-development of the site, a  reduction of personal privacy  for neighbouring properties and an unwelcome increase in traffic on nearby roads.  Therefore,   the Society  thinks that a major improvement  would be a reduction in the size of the proposed structure by the elimination of everything immediately west  of the north west gabled projection; resulting in a smaller and a more balanced façade and development.

We have therefore concluded that since this application does not meet  the townscape policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan, it should be deferred for further refused.