Flat 1, 23 Hamilton Road , Boscombe  Ref.   No.    7-2019-6243-G

This is an application to construct a small detached one and a half storey dwelling on the site of an existing extension to a nineteenth century property  to the rear of the site.  The Society note that what is proposed has no particular architectural pretentions and has a larger built foot print than the present extension Indeed  the building would be right up against two sides of the site.

We have concluded that as in other contemporary planning applications, here is another example of  the owner of a developed site of limited size, attempting to cram in yet another property where clearly there is simply no room for such a development.  Consequently the Society thinks that since this proposal in no way concurs with the townscape requirements of  the Bournemouth Local Plan it should be refused.

29-31 Southcote Road,   Ref.  No. 5626-K

This is an outline application to construct 22 student accommodation units on the site of existing  late nineteenth century terraced housing.   Earlier applications had envisaged quite large, three storied structures designed in variations of mid twentieth century modernist style.  The present application would see the terraces demolished and replicated in similar form towards the street; but made much wider towards the centre of the site to include more accommodation.  The front facades  would be enlivened by two storied and gabled projections and a symmetrical scheme of fenestration in the form of pairs of modern sash windows.

The Society observes that what is proposed would mean a somewhat crowded use of the site;  however bearing in mind the great variety of social and economic uses that take place in Southcote Road and that several sites in the near vicinity have been intensively developed as small flats and student units, we feel that what is initially proposed is probably suitable in this case.  Therefore, subject to approval of the final plans, we recommend that since this proposal generally satisfies the townscape policy conditions of the Bournemouth Local Plan, tentatively, it should be allowed.

36 Duncliff Road, Southbourne   Ref.  No. 12502-G

This is an application to construct a detached dwelling within a mid –twentieth bungalow estate near Hengistbury Head in modernist style.  The building would consist of considerable stretches of wall in the side elevations – while the main elevations would have stretches of vertical wall interspersed,especially on the rear elevation, with  very large vertical window panels from the ground floor to the gable window in the pitched roof.

While the Society fully accepts that the surrounding appearance of the adjacent properties do not constitute architectural masterpieces;  never the less we feel – both in the scale of the proposed dwelling and its rath banal construction details – that this pleasant residential area of Bournemouth deserves better.  Consequently, since the Society thinks that this proposal falls short of the townscape policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan, we think it should be deferred for further discussion and improvement.


Fairhaven Rest Home 23 Knyveton Road, East Cliff    Ref.  No.  7-2019-4856-AA

This is an application to rebuild an existing rest home for old people by the Christdelphinians  in place of one that was built on the same site in 1964.  Observing the extremely uninspired, modernist design and the subsequent one story extensions, the Society can confidently state that what is to be demolished is most certainly no loss.  The area is part of the East Cliff Conservation area.

The new structure of two and a half stories would follow the same generally rectangular shape of the existing built footprint – but in a more regular way.   The principal  elevation with its restrained brick facade, symmetrical fenestration and traditional pitched roofs, we think is much more aesthetically compatible with adjacent  older buildings.   The longer side elevations in white material have slight projections and hipped roofs.   Fenestration on both the principal floors is in the form of  twin vertical modern windows architecturally related by means of raised filets.

Generally speaking, the Society finds what is proposed a very considerable improvement; therefore we have decided that since this proposal fulfils quite properly the  Conservation policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan it should be allowed.