Minutes of a Meeting of the Committee held at 18 Sandbourne Road

at 2pm on Monday 24th October 2016


  1. Present: Ken Mantock (Chairman), John Barker (President and Newsletter Editor), Jean Bird (Vice Chairman), Elaine Cooper, Sally McGrath (Membership Secretary), Beryl Parker (Social

Secretary), John Soane (Built Environment Officer), and Paul Newsome (Minutes Secretary).


  1. Apologies: Hilda Brownlow and James Weir (Heritage & Conservation Officer)

Local Government Reorganisation.

Before the formal meeting, Tony Williams, CEO of Bournemouth Borough Council, explained the reasons why a reorganisation of local government in Dorset was essential.  All councils had seen a significant cut in government funding, this had hit the County particularly hard, with the Districts suffering less than the unitary authorities.  A single council for the whole County was not considered to be practical, but two unitary authorities, one in the east and one in the west was considered to be the best way forward.  In the East, an authority including Bournemouth, Poole and Christchurch was not only workable but would include all the facilities desirable for a large authority – port, airport, university, heritage and a vibrant tourist culture.  The inclusion of East Dorset would strengthen this authority, but would leave West Dorset struggling in a rural area with a sparse population.  Tony explained that the options were listed as 2A – Bournemouth, Christchurch, Poole and East Dorset or 2B – the authority without East Dorset.  Following questions from the Committee, Tony confirmed that matters such as planning would be dealt with by local sub-committees.  In a vote, after Tony had left, 4 members of the committee

voted for 2A, three for 2B and 1 absented from the vote.


      The minutes for the meeting on 22nd September were agreed.

   Matters Arising from the Minutes:  There were no matters arising


  1. Local Development Framework.

Ken reported that there was a meeting on 10th October at

    which the latest local development scheme was discussed and the evolution of the LDF to a Borough

Plan explained.  It was agreed that once the proposals were publicised the Society set up a working

party to comment on  current ‘saved’ policies and any necessary new ones so that conservation,

heritage and development control policies were not weakened..



  1.    Heritage and Conservation.  
    • Odeon Cinemas. An ACV has been lodged and relisting application submitted. No response yet.
    • 80-82 Old Christchurch Road. Council unwilling to take enforcement action.  A meeting has been

offered to James

  • 7-11 Poole Hill.  No reply yet concerning demolition works
  • Boscombe and Pokesdown Local Plan. James had attended and our support welcomed.
  1.  See John Soane’s report.
    • Winter Gardens.

John B, Ken and James had seen Toby and Duncan of BDC and Jean and David and Elaine had attended the presentation at the Hilton Hotel on 20th October where there was a 3D model backed by knowledgeable staff from the Bournemouth Development Company.  The proposal was for 400 units (1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments) in 3 buildings with underground car parking.  Most of the currently treed area would be retained.  Overall the design was considered appropriate for the site and much better than previous schemes.  John S would check the plans for comment.

  • Wessex Hotel.

Plans for re-build/upgrade would be on show at the Hallmark Hotel on 27th October at John S and Elaine would attend.

  • 45a-47a Branksome Wood Road.

Plans for 14 flats was uninspiring and did not fit with the

surroundings.  16 letters of complaint.  Should be refused.

  • 1 Lorne Park Road.

Current building should be preserved, plans were inappropriate

  • Belvedere Hotel. 

Ken, James and Elaine had met the architect and viewed the plans which they generally welcomed and thought worthy of support. John S thought the plans included an impressive tower but architectural divisions were needed to break up the horizontal dominance of the main block.  The architect had invited suggestions. JS would follow up.

  • 54 Elgin Road.

There were many objections to the plan to replace the substantial Arts & Crafts house.  Should be refused

  • 47-49 Withermoor Road.

The proposed 6 houses were an awful design

  • Corner Burnaby and Studland Road.

An acceptable design

  • Chequers Hotel, West Cliff Road.

The suggested overblown Victorian mansion block was

In-appropriate for a site which should be the entrance to the historic West Cliff

  • 2 West Hill Road. The fake Tudor style proposed development was an improvement


  1. Planning Board.

Sally attended the October meeting and reported as follows:

  • Belvedere Hotel.  This was an updated presentation.
  • Jecco House, Boscombe Grove Road.  This deferred outline plan was agreed
  • 6 Priestley Road.  The request for change of use to HMO was agreed.
  • 8 Warren Edge Road.  The application for a 3 storey block of 7 dwellings was agreed


  1.     Communications Timetable.   The newsletter deadline was 4th December


  1.   Civic Voice.  The Convention report had been circulated.


  1.     Bournemouth 2026 .  At the AGM on 23rd November plans for reshaping the councils would be

the main topic.


  1.   Bournemouth in Bloom.  Local presentations were made on 12th  Bournemouth won

the Gold award for a large city in the South East.  Beryl won an award for the best back garden


  1. Activities Officer’s Report
    •    27 attended the October lunch and there were 27 bookings for November.  There were

still places available for the Christmas lunch (£26)


  1.   Membership Officer’s Report.   Nothing to report


  1. Webmaster’s Report.  It was agreed that £150 should be paid for work done


  1. Treasurer’s Report:

 15.1    Current Account.  The current account had a credit of £1,995.57; CAF balance £7,403.31.

15.2    Signatories.  Signatories for the current account should be any two of the President, Chairman, Jean and Beryl and for the CAF account should be the President and Jean


  1. Any Other Business

16.1    Andrew England.  The next meeting would be on Friday 11th November


  1. Next Meeting.  The next meeting would be at 18 Sandbourne Road on Monday 28th November


There being no more business the meeting was closed at 16.10