Minutes of a Meeting of the Executive Committee held at 18 Sandbourne Road at 1.00pm on Monday 27th June 2022

Present: Ken Mantock (Chairman), Jean Bird (Vice Chairman), Hilda Brownlow, Jean-Daniel Kursner, Sally McGrath (Membership Secretary), Alex McKinstry John Soane (Built Environment Officer.

Apologies: Paul Newsome, Elaine Cooper and Phil Stanley-Watts,

  1. Minutes. The minutes for the meeting held on 23rd May 2022 were agreed.

  1. Matters Arising from the Minutes.

  • None

  1. Built Environment.

  • Cleaner, Greener, Safer Bournemouth. It continues to appear good progress is being made to tackle unsightly graffiti, litter, bins and fly tipping around town but further letters of concern from residents appear in the Echo.

  • Town Centre. The plans for an Ivy Restaurant at The Square were welcomed. Revised plans for Fir Vale Road had been submitted so JS would check them. The Winter Gardens scheme was on hold pending review by the Council as to whether the sites redevelopment would be linked to the redevelopment of the BIC and the uses on each site swapped. The Punshon site was for sale and The Savoy had reponed to much acclaim. There had recently been a consultation and envisioning event for Westover Road but we were at a loss as to why we had not been invited to participate. Agreed to make no comment on Yelverton Road plans.

  • Boscombe. Public consultation on the regeneration proposals was now taking place. All looked generally OK but plans for the Woodland Walk featured loss of historic features, tree and shrubs – JS would send in our comments/objection.

  • Southbourne:

  1. Appeal outcome for the Bellevue Road flats plan awaited.

  2. Bistro on the Beach plans to be considered by the Planning Committee shortly but the temporary restaurant facility with open top bus and shacks was in situ.

  3. No news from Bruce and Christine of SHF regarding the Heritage Board and Blue Plaque idea so we are unable to proceed.

  4. Plans for 103 Wick Lane, in the Conservation Area have been reviewed by John – see monthly digest – they need improvement.

  1. Heritage and Conservation.

  • Keith Spicer Building, Cleveland Road. Still awaiting news.

  • Blue Plaque for BBC’s 100th anniversary. Ken had been interviewed on Radio Solent re the work of the Society, our 50th anniversary and the blue plaque sponsorship for72 Holdenhurst Road which was the BBC’s first studio in Bournemouth. It was agreed to cost at £640 plus vat.

  • Cooper Thomson Rescue Aviary. The new aviary had been attracting criticism as the double mesh meant it was difficult to see the birds. Several letters and phone calls had been received by concerned BCS members in Southbourne which Ken has answered. JD has also spoken to them and Ken will pass on information received from the Parks Foundation re the new aviary, its evolution, its funding and the remedial works planned.

  • Charles Rolls Heritage Trust Monument – The unveiling of the new monument followed by a talk was taking place at on 12th July at 12.30. Ken couldn’t attend due to work commitments so another BCS committee member would attend.

  • Littledown House – The renovation plans had been featured in The Echo and John S would check them.

  1. Planning. See John Soane’s written reports for May 2022 . Note due to a complete malfunction of John S’s computer, aggravated by recent changes to BCP Planning website listing arrangements, this months digest would be in three parts of which one was only able to be accessed at the time of the meeting. See below. The remaining sections would be checked by Ken and submitted later to the Planning Officer and copied on the BCP Councillors. It was further agreed that a sum up to £200 be paid for the repair of John’s computer or a contribution of the same sum be made toward a new computer as so much use is put on it by him to the Society’s cause.

4 Elmsway – dwelling on severed plot – not supported.

96 and 98a Malvern Road – redevelop house and bungalow with two houses – defer for improvement.

10 Maple Road – rear extension – not supported

103 Wick Lane – rear extension and enlargement – defer for improvement

25 Kingswell Road – extensions – defer for improvement

  1. Planning Committee .

  • June 16th – Cambridge Road Flats

  • July 21st – Agenda not yet released

  1. Communications Timetable. The newsletter and booking slips for the 50th Anniversary Afternoon team on 24th July after the AGM have been sent out. It was agree to reimburse Ken £21.76 for the stamps purchased for Hilda to reply to the afternoon tea bookings. A formal AGM calling notice has been printed and Sally will post these out in the next couple of weeks.

  1. Civic Voice. Weekly news bulletins received.

  1. Membership Officer’s Report. JD passed Sally on five new members’ forms . Ken noted he had learnt long standing member David Hellewell had sadly passed away. JD updated on his membership work in Southbourne, perhaps a talk to the Rotary Club and the work being done with Ola regarding our new poster.

  1. Webmaster’s Report.

  • All good and up to date. All enquiries being followed up.


11. Treasurer’s Report:

  • Current Account. £41,872.87

  1. Caroline Peach Meeting. The meeting would take place on 12th August at Jeans house – time to be confirmed.

  1. Any Other Business.

  • Society 50th Anniversary in 2022. Arrangements progress:

  1. AGM and Afternoon Tea at the Miramar Hotel on Sunday 24th July . Hilda was dealing with bookings and issuing tickets. Ken would collect prizes for the tombola/raffle from Beryl ahead of the event.

  2. An updated version of the 40th Anniversary Booklet. Alex will send Ken notes on the latest 10 years activities.

  3. Key Rings for all members would be issued at the AGM and those not attending could collect them from Hilda, JD and Jean. Ken will collect these from the printers and bring to the AGM

  • Co-option of Committee Member – Having been proposed by Ken and seconded by Hilda it was unanimously agreed to co-opt Alex to the committee.

  • BCS Seat in The Square – Sally reported our seat had returned but in a different location and ther were now no seats outside Lloyds Bank. It was agreed to raise this isse with Caroline Peach during the forthcoming meeting.

Next Meetings

Monday 25th July at 1pm at 18 Sandbourne Road (But may be held over for a month as the AGM was on the 24th July).

Ken Mantock

27th June 2022 Chairman