Minutes of a Meeting of the Committee held at 18 Sandbourne Road
at 2.00pm on Monday 29th July 2019
Present: John Barker (President), Ken Mantock (Chairman), Jean Bird (Vice Chairman), Sally McGrath (Membership Secretary), Beryl Parker (Social Secretary), John Soane (Built
Environment Officer and Paul Newsome (Minutes Secretary)
In Attendance: Phil Stanley-Watts
- Apologies: Hilda Brownlow, Elaine Cooper and James Weir (Heritage and Conservation Officer).
- The minutes for the meeting held on 24th June were agreed.
- Potential new Committee Member. Phil Stanley-Watts was welcomed to the meeting and expressed a wish to join Committee having been a member and supporter of the Civic Society some years ago before his time on the Council. Phil had been a Boscombe Councillor and served on the Planning Committee for many years so was well experienced. It was agreed that once Phil had rejoined the Society he would attend a couple of monthly meetings and if all proved well he could be co-opted to the Committee.
- Matters Arising from the Minutes:
- Membership and Raising the Profile of the Society. Completion of the Civic Voice
‘toolkit’ to be done at a future committee meeting
- Bournemouth University Graduate History Project. The legacy work needed to be
put on the website – it was now ready for review (John B volunteered to do this) then up on website and use at exhibitions and wider distribution.
- The Society’s 50th Anniversary in 2022. The sub-committee (Ken, Beryl, Elaine,
Hilda, Jean and John S) needed to arrange a meeting to discuss ideas.
- BCP Council. Ken had a useful meeting with Cllr Mark Howell, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration on 8th July.
- 1920s Postcards. The postcards had now arrived from Brisbane, they need to be digitalised and uploaded to the website and then passed to Bournemouth Libraries for retention pending the establishment of a Bournemouth Museum. The Echo would be kept informed as this was an interesting “good news story”.
- The Planning Policy Steering Group: The status and continuation of the
Group following the local government reorganisation remained uncertain.
- Built Environment.
- Wessex Fields. No news regarding the judicial review by Friends of Riverside but the Royal Bournemouth Hospital would be submitting major redevelopment plans for their own site.
- Surfing Lagoon. No news – the mystery continued!
- ‘Save Southbourne’s Green Spaces’ A meeting was held on 25th June to discuss
Ongoing heritage, conservation and redevelopment issues.
- Throop and Holdenhurst Parish Council. Consultation on the proposals was on going.
- IMAX Site. The crazy golf facility was due to open on 30th July
- Pokesdown Station. The installation of lifts was now scheduled for 2020.
- Heritage and Conservation.
- Regent Cinema. There had been features in the Echo inspired by ‘Urban Explorers’ who were impressed with the original features remaining in the
buildings. The future would be considered by BCP Council shortly when the Libra plan would be discussed.
- Hicks Farm. News still awaited but hopefully a more sensitive scheme would be brought forward.
- Planning. See John Soane’s report:
- 2 Cellars Farm Road. A plan for 9 flats – should be deferred pending
Improvements in the design.
- 56 Keith Road. A proposal to build a family home – it was a poor design and
too big for the site and should be refused.
- 13-15 Seafield Road. The plans for houses and bungalows were unsatisfactory
and this should be deferred pending improvements to the design and street frontages.
- 39-39a Queens Park Avenue. Plans for 6 flats – should be deferred pending an
improved scheme as current scheme mismatched in design.
- 15 & 17 West Cliff Road. Plans to replace the Kingsley Hotel with 27 flats and the Chequers Hotel with 24 flats should be deferred pending the submission of
improved designs but the principal of the loss of these hotels was accepted.
- 39 Wycliff Road. The plan for an infill bungalow should be refused as out of character and overdevelopment.
- 8 Carbery Avenue. The plan to replace the existing house with 4 flats should be refused as out of character and of poor design.
- Belgravia Hotel, Christchurch Road. No news on latest plans or appeal
- Royal Bournemouth Hospital. JS would review the plans for the next meeting.
- Planning Board Observations. The meeting on 27th June was not attended, Sally
attended the meeting on 11th July:
- 58 Charminster Avenue. The plan to convert the building to 5 flats was approved
- 20 Upton Way. Improved parking for 6 flats was approved.
- Oaks Garden Centre, Queen Anne Drive. A request for a temporary washing
and drying facility was refused.
- Oaks House, Quay Road, Christchurch. The application was withdrawn.
- Future Meetings. Jean would arrange for representation at the meetings on 5th August and 8th
- Communications Timetable. Beryl had submitted the activities schedule,
Ken would complete the newsletter at his earliest convenience.
- Civic Voice. The newsletters had been circulated.
- Bournemouth 2026 No news
- Bournemouth in Bloom. The inclusion of entries from Christchurch and
Poole had greatly increased the workload of the judges who were currently at work
- Activities Officer. The Autumn programme, including the Christmas lunch was
complete and waiting for circulation with the Summer Newsletter
- Membership Officer’s Report. Two new members
- Webmaster’s Report. All up to date. Many email queries
- Treasurer’s Report: Current account balance was £36,870.78
- Meeting with Caroline Peach. The next meeting would be on 4th October
- Any Other Business
- Climate Emergency. BCP Council had declared a climate emergency.
- BNSS Victorian Heritage Day. John S would prepare a presentation and contact Kate White.
- Russell Cotes Museum. Details of forthcoming events and exhibitions had been received and circulated.
- Whites Farm. Plans for the former farm would be checked by John S.
Next Meetings – Mondays 23rd September at St Peter’s Church (to be confirmed) and 28th October at 18 Sandbourne Road. No meeting in August.
The meeting closed at 15.10
Ken Mantock
23rd September 2019 Chairman