90 Glenferness Avenue , Talbot Woods, Ref. No. 7-2021-19809-D
This is an application to construct a medium sized chalet bungalow on a triangular piece of land at the junction of Glenferness Avenue and Elgin Road within the Talbot Woods Conservation Area. At present the site forms part of the extended garden of a larger developed site (90 Glenferness Ave )
The existing structure, together with a majority of other properties along Glenferness Avenue and adjoining roads was developed in the form of large family houses – the majority in mature Arts and Crafts style – upon exceptionally spacious plots, which has created a unique visual ratio, together with the maturing landscape, of balanced built to un built on space in the neighbourhood. Therefore the siting of the proposed house could appear to negate such distinctive spatial standards.
The built foot print of the new structure consists of two joined rectangles at right angles to each other. The general design exhibits an Arts and Craft ambience; the principal façade which contains the porched entrance, has a wide, partially half timbered, gabled projection integrated into a complex pitched roof. Fenestration is generally in the form of triple/quadruple sets of casement windows with upper divisions.
In absolute terms, the Society are reasonably satisfied with the general design except for the double garage doors that are incorporated into the principal façade. We do not consider that such a utilitarian feature should be positioned in such a prominent section of the house within such a prestigious townscape. If building goes ahead, a carport could be created between the chalet bungalow and the new boundary with No. 90.
However quite separate from architectural design details, a more serious consideration is whether or not the present application would seriously harm the original perspective setting of the adjacent house. The Society is aware that two earlier, somewhat larger, proposals for this site were refused and it is now necessary to decide whether this smaller application deserves a similar fate – both in respect to the setting of No 90, and in order to discourage future attempts to exploit and divide up the spacious gardens of Talbot Woods.
The Society fully agrees with the secretary of the Talbot Woods Society that every effort must be made to preserve the exceptional spatial standards and architectural heritage of the area. However we would suggest that without departing from our feelings on this matter, there may be very occasional exceptions that might be allowed.
Thus we think the prospective site of the new chalet bungalow is very precisely separated from the rest of the land belonging to No 90. And also that the somewhat abrupt appearance of the existing house on this face does not allow the triangular portion of the garden to become a critical part of the visual context of the house and its natural surroundings.
The Society has therefore concluded that from a purely design point of view, it could be equally appropriate either for the original house and garden to remain un encumbered by further construction or for this proposed chalet bungalow to be constructed as a kind of softer architectural introduction to the more austere north façade of No. 90.
However on balance because this proposal has failed to satisfy the conservation policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan, we suggest that it be refused but further dialogue continue to establish whether an acceptable proposal can be brought forward.
47a Southcote Road, Springbourne Ref. No. 7-2021-3076-K
This is an application to demolish a former industrial building at the rear of the existing, late nineteenth century house and to erect a two/three storey, mixed commercial and five flats block. The site is a completely enclosed rectangle and reached via a private drive from No. 47; the built foot print, which fills about 70% of the remaining area, being in the form of a rectangle with a wide wing/extension to the east. The architectural design is fairly utilitarian – boxy inelegant shapes with flat or shallow pitched roofs. Fenestration to the flats that look on to the interior courtyards is in the form of a mixture of vertical French windows and rectangular windows. Apart from commercial facilities on the ground floor, there would be students’ studio flats on the second floor and one bed flats on the first floor.
Given the distinctive eclectic use of the north side of Southcote Road: flats, commercial, industrial and media uses all in together, the Society can see nothing wrong in turning the former industrial premises at 47 Southcote Road into living accommodation. We would suggest though that given the already high density of residential occupation in the area, the number of flats be reduced to four.
Therefore under the circumstances, since this application does not comply with the townscape policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan, we think it should be deferred for further discussion and improvement.
10 Westby Road, Boscombe Ref. No. 7-2021-11748-D
This is an application to turn a much altered, late nineteenth century, semi detached house that has been much altered into two, separate, semi detached houses across three floors. One house would have two bedrooms, the other one, four. Apart from considerable changes to the interior there would be no significant alterations to the outside facades. The Society consider this development, by providing quite spacious, family accommodation where it is most needed, a worthwhile endeavour.
Consequently we think that since this proposals has fulfilled the townscape policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan, it should be allowed.
26 Browning Avenue, Boscombe Ref. No. 7-2021-3451-A
This is an application to construct what appears to be a large, detached residence but, in reality, would be a pair of spacious, semi detached houses, built very closely together. The built footprint of each house would be rectangular and be considerably larger than most of those of adjoining properties.
In place of the present bungalow on the site, what amounts to a three storey replica Elizabethan mansion would be built. The principal façade would have two significant gabled projections – together with two storey bay windows – that would merge into a hipped roof with a central large chimney. There would be single, triple and quinqueptual sets of casement windows with upper divisions; the entire elevation would be half timbered.
Irrespective of the level of absolute creativity that is exhibited, the Society think that what is proposed would be a massively over sized structure in the surrounding neighbourhood, besides exhibiting an architectural style that would be totally out of keeping with the interwar, suburban Arts and Crafts form, employed. We agree with local opinion that the design of this unusual structure is totally at odds with the character of its surroundings and that its sheer size would block out a considerable amount of light, restrict and disable rural views and reduce privacy for many nearby properties.
Therefore we have no difficulty in deciding that since this applications fails considerably in upholding the townscape policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan, it should be refused.
134 Tuckton Road, Southbourne Ref. No. 7-2027-5457-A
This is an application to construct a second floor flat on top of the two existing floors of an early twentieth century shop with accommodation above. The new street façade would replicate in appearance the two rectangular casement windows on the first floor. The new rear elevation would consist partly of large French windows and partly of a complicate external staircase arrangement giving access to the flat entrances on the first and second floors. Although the Society find the rear design somewhat eclectic; given the relatively spacious, visual context of the site, we feel what is proposed is reasonably acceptable.
Consequently, since this proposal has generally met the townscape policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan, the Society feel it should be allowed.
590-592 Christchurch Road, Boscombe Ref. No. 7-2021-2113-AH
This is an application to create six flats within the two upper storeys of a mid twentieth century structure – originally constructed as retail premises – but now vacant for some time.
The modernist, fenestration lighting strips of the front façade would be replaced by symmetrically positioned, modern sash windows and two pairs of French windows. The rear elevation consisting of a utilitarian arrangement of modern casement windows would remain generally unaltered.
The Society are pleased to observe that at last, one of the ugliest modern buildings in Boscombe will be given a presentable architectural face. However we think that the provision of six flats is excessive for the building; four would be a more sensible number.
Accordingly, because we have decided that this proposal does not fully comply with the townscape policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan, we suggest it be deferred for further discussion and improvement .
335-337 Wimborne Road Ref. No. 7-2021-5132-P
This is an application to construct a two storey block of flats at the end of an existing site that was developed as retail premises during the early Twentieth Century. The built foot print, together with associated outside areas, would take up a considerable portion of the remaining area. The principal elevation would have two balancing, two storey, bay window projections with miniature gables incorporated into the pitched roof. There would be a central entrance within a porch and fenestration would take the form of triple sets of vertical windows.
The Society strongly disapproves of such planning arrangements. We see here another example of an attempt to use a restricted area of an already developed site to create further buildings where they were never meant to be constructed. We most sincerely hope that the BCP Planning Department will always prevent such practices so that the evolved balance within the older neighbourhoods in the town between built and unbuilt space will always be maintained.
Therefore since this proposal does not in any way relate to the townscape policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan, the Society feels it must be refused.
Sandringham House , 1 Exeter Park Road; 53,55,57 Exeter Road Ref. No. 7-2021-1087-S
This is an application to construct an extra two storeys on an existing, four storey, twentieth century, retail and flat block at the junction of Exeter Road and Exeter Park Road. The new section would replicate the conventional 1960’s modernist fenestration of the lower storeys.
The Society observes that while the existing height of Sandringham House is just about low enough to be aesthetically compatible with the adjacent retail terrace, we are certain that an extra two storeys would total unbalance the spatial structure of this part of Exeter Road. In particular we think the higher building on this corner would completely degrade the visual context of the adjacent Royal Exeter Hotel, one of the oldest and well known historic buildings in central Bournemouth. There is considerable local opposition to this development, not just on visual grounds but also because of the fear that the existing very unkempt appearance around the interior courtyard sections of these buildings would only get worse by the addition of further crowded accommodation.
The Society most earnestly request the Planning Department strongly to resist any further attempts to destroy the original architectural design of original buildings whereby excessive overcrowding can lead to further social degradation.
Therefore we have concluded that because this proposal in no way supports the townscape policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan, it must be refused.
Waverley House, 115-119 Holdenhurst Road Ref. No. 7-2021-5969-T
This is a massive prospective development and would consist of two, 14 storey and 25 storey towers, rising from a single rectangular, built foot print, in place of Waverley House, the high rise commercial block that was built at the junction of Holdenhurst Road and St. Pauls Road a few years ago. The higher south east tower would be mainly residential in flats while the shorter north east tower would be given over to communal and private initiatives.
The Society feel that the scope, size and height of this development could be the defining contextual element for the ultimate evolution of the Lansdowne, Holdenhurst and St.Pauls Roads area as a very distinctive, completely modernist townscape. As I have inferred on earlier occasions, such an area – which would imitate on a considerably smaller scale, the restricted high rise area of central Los Angeles surrounded by low density residential garden suburbs – would be quite unique. We are certain that the new proposal would become the main element in a huge new centre of higher educational/commercial activity, extending to the existing high rises nearer the Lansdowne and also to the new buildings of the University Department of Social Health by the Asda Roundabout by Wessex Way.
It is not yet possible to be certain of the precise architectural design of the proposed new towers. It is possible that some tapering in width will be required towards the top of the higher one. However the Society does observe that the predominance of massive vertical shapes suggests a somewhat stronger, Anglo-American design influence than the more horizontal orientated, Continental-German forms that seem to be more favoured by private developers in the town.
All we would say at this stage – an opinion echoed by case officers at the Planning Department, is that to conform to the present highest allowed heights in Bournemouth, the number of stories in the highest tower would have to be reduced to 20.
Under the circumstances the Society would suggest that these extensive plans should be exhaustively discussed by all the interested parties, before any planning permissions are granted.
55-57 Commercial Road , Ref. No. 7-2021-6030-E
This is an application to construct a third floor on top of the existing floors of an existing, modernised, late nineteenth century shop with accommodation. The new storey would follow the existing fenestration pattern using modernised sash windows. In addition, the design of the extension would give the impression of being incorporated into a hipped roof.
The Society generally thinks the addition of extra floors to complete buildings is inappropriate; but in this case and also because here only one floor is involved, we think what is proposed is reasonably suitable. We feel it creates a spatial “step up” from the lower height of the adjacent shop on one side to the greater height of the municipal library on the other.
The Society has therefore concluded that since this application fulfils most of the townscape policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan, it should be allowed.