40-42 Ashley Road, Boscombe. Ref. No. 7-2017-5120-G
This is an application to construct a two/three storey block of six flats, a pair of semi detached two story dwelling houses, and one two story dwelling house on the site of an existing structure of no architectural significance near the junction of Ashley and Gladstone Roads.
The flat block would be built in the style of a late nineteenth century family villa with two projections on the principal facade encompassing two, two storey bay windows and gables, with windows, above. Fenestration is asymmetrical with a central main entrance. The rear facade follows the main elements of the principal facade in simplified form and with French windows on the ground floor. The two semi detached houses and detached house are in the form of nineteenth century workers cottages.
The Society is satisfied generally with the mass, form and spatial context of the flat block and the positioning of the pair of semi detached houses. However we feel that the inclusion of the detached family house at the extreme rear of the site would amount to over development of this site. Local opinion has expressed fears that this project would create excessive noise, result in inadequate parking spaces and reduce the privacy of adjacent householders. The feeling was also express that there are already too many small flats in Boscombe and not enough more spacious family residences.
The Society thinks that in a community such as Boscombe, a balance must always be made in respecting the needs of inhabitants that wish to pursue a “metropolitan” life style and those who desire a quieter, more stable, home orientated lifestyle. We therefore suggest that while keeping the flat block as designed, the rear detached house should be eliminated and one or both of the semi detached houses should be enlarged to include three bedrooms.
We have therefore concluded that since this application does not comply fully with the townscape policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan, it should be deferred for further consideration. ( 4.19, i, ii, and iii )
73 Alumhurst Road, Westbourne. Ref. No. 7-2017-2441-Q
This is an application to build four family houses on the site of a large and rambling late nineteenth century, former nursing home of indifferent architectural quality at the junction of Alumhurst and Alumdale Roads that has been empty since 2015.
The four houses envisioned for the site would be designed in modernised Arts and Crafts style and crowned by prominent hipped roofs. One of the two residences on somewhat larger sites and facing onto Alumhurst Road would have two slight projections (with one gable); the other only one. Fenestration in both properties would be regularly balanced by means of paired vertical sash windows with upper divisions. The upper sections of the first floor windows on the principal elevation and the side elevation of the corner house at the corner of Alumdale and Alumdale Roads would be semicircular in shape. The two houses in Alumdale Road have similiar architectural characteristics on a slightly smaller scale and include double garages in traditional form on the principal facades.
Generally speaking the Society is quite satisfied with what is proposed and agree with the main points of justification as set out in the Design Statement:-
· that the layout of the proposal is influenced to a considerable extent by the spatial appearance of existing properties
· that new corridors of open space will enhance the visual qualities of the area
· that the form and mass of the proposed structures is compatible with neighbouring structures
· that the proposed materials of red/orange brick and barge boarding on the gables will further improve the compatibility of the new buildings in relation to the existing urban scene.
All in all the Society feel that this is a well balanced and carefully designed project and should be approved without further discussion. Accordingly, since this application complies with the townscape policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan, we think it should be approved. ( 4.19, i, ii, iii )
3 Benellen Avenue, Talbot Woods. Ref. No. 7-2017-4108-CO
This is an application to build a pair of semi-detached dwelling houses on the site of an existing property in the vicinity of Benellen Avenue and Branksome Wood Road. The form of the proposed structure would be in the form of a cut back square block of three stories built in modernist style. The principal elevation towards Branksome Wood Road would have a flat roof and be divided arbitrarily into three sections according to different building materials; half would be plastered, approximately one quarter (on the second floor) would be weather boarded and the remaining quarter would exhibit a surface of artificial stone. With the main entrances to the houses and garage doors on the ground floor, fenestration on the upper two floors would consist of wide horizontal window strips of two, three and four lights. The side elevation would consist of block shapes with vertical windows and French windows below.
It is the considered opinion of the Society that a more insensitively and crassly designed structure, totally lacking any sense of aesthetic and spatial balance in respect to the predominantly mid twentieth century, more traditional family houses in the adjacent neighbourhood would be hard to imagine. And our feelings are taken up and expanded by an exceptionally well argued and balanced letter of objection by a correspondent who is familiar with the area (Benzie 6/12/17 ). Moreover he feels that the latest scheme is no better than previous proposals for the same site that already have been rejected.
Consequently the Society believes that since this application in no way fulfils the townscape policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan, it should be refused. ( 4.19, i, ii, iii )
2 Lorne Park Road, Horseshoe Common. Ref. No. 7-2017-3144-R
This is an application to build an extra storey on top of an existing, three storey, modernist office building near the junction of Lorne Park Road and Old Christchurch Road. The new addition would generally replicate the existing structure and large four light vertical windows of the lower floors with the exception of one of the corner sections which, in place of the window, would be timber clad.
The Society feels that the new floor makes the stepped back front elevation of the existing building somewhat top heavy; but our main objection is that the timber clad section of the new floor would unbalance the entire front of the office building to the general visual detriment of the area. Our solution would be either the substitution of an appropriate window for this corner or the creation of the outline of the window space on this spot instead.
Consequently the Society would advise that since the townscape policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan have not been fully observed, the application should be deferred for further discussion and improvement . (4.19, i, ii, iii )
West Hants Lawn Tennis Club, Roslin Road South. Ref. No. 7-2017-5036-AZ
This is an application to create new a new multi use gym and classroom and groundsman store in two, one storey buildings between existing tennis courts and Elgin Road. The structures would be strictly utilitarian and consist of two rectangular metal frames filled with vertical glass panels. In view of the particular anticipated use of these structures and that they would be unable to be seen across the mature landscape and high fence that separates the tennis club from the large houses in Elgin Road, the Society feels the design is appropriate and would not debilitate the existing neighbourhood.
Accordingly since this application fulfils the townscape policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan, we suggest that it be allowed. ( 4.19,i, ii, iii )