Minutes of a Meeting of the Committee held at 18 Sandbourne Road

at 2.00pm on Monday 24th January 2020


Present: Ken Mantock (Chairman), Jean Bird (Vice Chairman), Elaine Cooper, Sally McGrath (Membership Secretary), Beryl Parker (Social Secretary), John Soane (Built Environment Officer, Paul Newsome (Minutes Secretary)


 Apologies: Hilda Brownlow, Phil Stanley-Watts, and James Weir (Heritage and Conservation Officer). 


  1. The minutes for the meeting held on 27th January were agreed.


  1. Matters Arising from the Minutes:
  • 1930s Postcards.  The cards appearing on Alwyn Ladell’s Flickr page are now linked to the Society’s website.
  • AGM on 6th April.  James Weir had confirmed that he would speak after the business meeting – Sally would be issuing the calling letter in the next week,
  • Committee List.  Phil Stanley-Watts had been added to the website list.
  • Cultural Strategy Meeting on 23rd March.  John Soane would represent the Society.


  1. Built Environment.
  • Wessex Fields. The Council would not be revoking the planning approval for Phase 2 roadworks but had confirmed that they would not be proceeding with them.
  • Bayview Developments, Cambridge Road. John Soane noted that his ideas on design improvements had been shared with the developers.
  • Winter Gardens. Another change was in the pipeline so John S would check this.
  • 14-20A Belle Vue Road. Both appeals had been dismissed, the scheme will not proceed. A real success for community action and the Southbourne Heritage Forum. John S was attending the celebration on Thursday evening and Ken had given apologies due to work commitments.
  • 23 Commercial Road (former M&S Store). Elaine and John S would attend the consultation being hosted by THAT Group at the Hilton Hotel on 28th February


  1. Heritage and Conservation.
  • Grand Cinema, Westbourne. The application to form a gym in the building had been refused
  • Hicks Farm and Throop Mill. No news but the fields were flooded and Ellis and Partners had not returned Ken’s phone call regarding the Mill.
  • Westover Road Cinemas. The vacant cinemas was leading to vacant shops in Westover Road.
  • Goats on the Overcliff. The Council had recently agreed that the secondary fences should be lowered so as to be less visually intrusive.
  • East Cliff Lift and Pier Landing Stage. It was agreed that Ken should write to the Council conveying the Society’s concern that repairs to the East Cliff Lift and the Pier landing stage were not going ahead.


  1. See John Soane’s report: 
  • 38 Florence Road. If the fenestration was improved the plans would be satisfactory, meanwhile they should be deferred.
  • 319 Belle Vue Road. The proposed building was not good enough for the area and should be refused.
  • 58 Harewood Avenue. The proposed building was out of keeping with its’ surroundings and should be refused
  • 11-21 Commercial Road (formerly Bealesons). The Society supports the plans.
  • 63 Heaton Road. The site is not suitable for the proposed two small houses and should be refused.
  • 309-311 Charminster Road. Another very small and unsuitable site and the plan to build a small bungalow should be refused..


  1. Planning Board Observations:

These meetings were now to held in Bournemouth Town Hall – future observers

would be:

12th March – Jean

2nd April – Elaine

May – John Soane

June – John Barker

July – Sally


  1. Communications Timetable.  The calling notice for the AGM on 6th April would be issued soon. The date for items to be included in the Summer Newsletter should be with Ken by the end of July.


  1. Civic Voice. The 2020 AGM would be in Blackpool on 1st/2nd


  1. Activities Officer. 
  • Elstead Hotel. The facilities and support from staff at the Elstead Hotel were excellent but support for recent Soup and Sandwich talks had been poor (even after considerable chasing by Beryl).
  • Christmas Lunch. The Christmas Lunch 2020 would be cancelled as there was no-one prepared to make the necessary arrangements following Beryl giving notice that she would be stepping down as Activities Officer at the April AGM


  1. Membership Officer’s Report.
  • One new member. Ken noted that he and Debbie had updated the membership list based on information provided by Sally and Beryl . He had also prepared a letter to be sent out with the AGM calling notice advising members of the Society’s GDPR policy and asking them to confirm telephone numbers and email contact details.


  1. Webmaster’s Report. All up to date.


  1. Treasurer’s Report:
  • Current Account. The balance in the current account was £36,666.56



  1. Caroline Peach Meeting.  The next meeting with Caroline Peach would be on

Wednesday 25th March and the agenda would be as decided at the January meeting    with the addition of the East Cliff Lift and the Pier landing stage


  1. Any Other Business
  • Seats in the Square. Seats for the public which were removed for the Christmas market were ot being replaced, or replaced late.  The Society would protest.
  • Dorset Heritage Day. The Heritage Day would be on 28th November


   Next Meeting – Monday 23rd March at 18 Sandbourne Road.


      The meeting closed at 15.00



Ken Mantock

23rd March  2020                                                                        Chairman