Minutes of a Meeting of the Committee held at 18 Sandbourne Road

at 2.00pm on Monday 24th June 2019


Present: John Barker (President), Jean Bird (Vice Chairman), Hilda Brownlow, Sally McGrath (Membership Secretary), Beryl Parker (Social Secretary), John Soane (Built

Environment Officer and Paul Newsome (Minutes Secretary)

  1. Apologies: Ken Mantock (Chairman) Elaine Cooper, Peter Lucas, and James Weir (Heritage and Conservation Officer).


  1.   The minutes for the meeting held on 20th May were agreed.


  1. Matters Arising from the Minutes:
  • Membership and Raising the Profile of the Society. Ken has informed Kate White that her proposal was deferred.  The Society had received the Civic Voice ‘toolkit’ –

completion of the forms and review were required in the near future by the Committee.

  • Bournemouth University Graduate History Project.  Ken and Elaine attended a presentation on 28th May and received a memory stick with the results and booklets.

These needed to be reviewed prior to 50th Anniversary. Thanks had been made to the Graduates for their work.

  • The Society’s 50th Anniversary in 2022.  The sub-committee (Ken, Beryl, Elaine,

Hilda, Jean and John S) needed to arrange a meeting to discuss ideas.

  • BCP Council.  Ken had sent copies of the Society’s latest newsletter to all councillors and was arranging a meeting with the new Cabinet Member for Regeneration.  The new Planning Committee Chairman was Simon Bull and John Soane had made contact with him.
  • 1920s Postcards.  The postcards had not yet arrived


  1. The Planning Policy Steering Group: The status and continuation of the

       Group following the local government reorganisation remained uncertain.


  1. Built Environment.
  • Wesex Fields. The Society had supported the Friends of Riverside request for a

judicial review of the planning approval.

  • Surfing Lagoon. The location of the lagoon remained unknown.
  • Purple Flag. The draft 2019 submission had been received with comments needed



  1. Heritage and Conservation.
  • Regent Cinema. James had queried the absence of the Society’s objections on

the Council website – Ken had sent them to all new Planning Board members.

  • Hicks Farm. News still awaited
  1. Planning.  See John Soane’s report:
  • Former Odeon Cinema, Westover Road. The proposal to restore the original façade was the only good point in the latest plans which should be refused as

they failed to meet the townscape policies of the Bournemouth Local Plan. James’s comments had already been submitted to the Council.

  • 14-20A Belle Vue Road. The Society supported the principle of additional sheltered housing but the proposed building was even worse than the previous suggestion and should be refused for failing to meet Bournemouth’s townscape


  • 295-297 Castle Lane West. The Society was generally happy with the general characteristics of the plan to build 10 flats but Block ‘B’ was too big.  The plan

should be deferred for further consultations and improvement.

  • 11-13 West Cliff Road (Wessex Hotel).  The proposal to add Mansard roofs and additional flats to the two residential blocks were an improvement and

should be allowed

  • Landscaping of the Winter Gardens Site. The Society was concerned about the plan to reduce the number of trees along Cranborne Road and felt that the

plan should be deferred pending further discussion and improvement .

  • Cabbage Patch Car Park. This plan for 11 local authority flats failed to comply with Bournemouth townscape policies and should be deferred for further

Discussion and improvement.

  • 13 Durley Road South. This was a crass and insensitive design for 25 flats and six holiday flats which would seriously degrade the existing well-balanced townscape of the road.  The plan should be rejected


  1. Planning Board Observations.  John S attended the inaugural meeting which was

purely procedural.  Jean would determine the venues for future meetings and ensure that

they were attended by Civic Society observers.


  1.   Communications Timetable.  Material for summer newsletter required asap


  1. Civic Voice. The newsletters had been circulated. Ken has completed the on-line

survey on 3rd June recording what we want from Planning Departments.  Insurance

had been renewed and the certificate received.


  1. Bournemouth 2026 No news


  1. Bournemouth-in-Bloom. The Competition was now closed with more entries

than before, judging would be in July, complicated by the recent deaths of three of

the regular judges.  Hanging baskets (with plants purchased from the Kings Park

Nurseries) were either in place or would be soon,


  1. Activities Officer.  The Autumn programme, including the Christmas lunch was

   being prepared and would be sent out with the Summer Newsletter


  1. Membership Officer’s Report. Two deaths.  Ken had current lists and was arranging for them to be computerised.


  1. Webmaster’s Report. All up to date.  Beryl asked that details of social events,

including the talk and sandwich at the Hilton Firs Hotel be included.


  1. Treasurer’s Report: Current account balance was £36,870.78


  17    Meeting with Caroline Peach.  Jean and Hilda met Caroline on 14th June

  • 14-20A Bellevue Road. 2 Members of Southbourne Heritage attended as guests

and spent the time expressing their objections to the plan.

  • BCP Plan. The local plan would be amended as the number of new homes being

built failed to meet Government targets.  This would be rectified by 2024.

  • New BCP Planning Committee. Jill Hollyoake would publish agendas and venues each month with the Committee alternating between Bournemouth. Christchurch and Poole.  Bournemouth’s ‘HMS Phoebe Room’ was apparently the smallest!
  • Wessex Fields. There was no certain outcome
  • Winter Gardens Landscaping. There would be a meeting on 16th July
  • The latest plan included even more flats – the car park was

‘unofficial’ and enforcement action was needed.

  • There had been no progress.  The existing building was in a very

poor state of repair

  • Westover Cinemas. Final decision was close.

18   Any Other Business

  • John Roberts Legacy. John Roberts (now 73) had included a legacy to the Society in his will.


   Next Meetings – Mondays 29th July and 23rd September at 18 Sandbourne Road


   The meeting closed at 15.25                     



Ken Mantock

29th July 2019                                                                                            Chairman